Thursday, January 08, 2004

Morally wrong, gentically correct
Oh boy...I am so completely frusterated right now. I just spent 2 hours on Biology notes for the test tomorrow. And now, I dont even have an index card to put notes on and use for the test...Grr. And I still have to study for World History...but I forgot the page numbers at school...and English, but I think I know the basics about that.
Well, I made Theo a birthday card. It was a day late, but atleast I tried..::Sigh:: he said he liked it..his journal said he liked it, so he must have. But later in the day, at lunch, he was complaining about Colin..or something like that, Im not too sure what the conversation was, but I told him he was over reacting a bit..then I took it back, because I dont know the situation with him and Colin, but I did say he was over reacting with Jennifer...because she called him a poser...I mean, Im not really talking with her right now...were not fighting, I dont think, just not talking. But uh, I just thought he needed to let it go, you know? Well, it was just a suggestion, but apparantly he got mad I said it because in his online journal he wrote that it kinda' pissed him off.
His site is....
Check it out if you want.
So anyway...kinda' got me frusterated that I cant say what Im thinking...Come to think of it....Tiffany is the only friend I have who I can say what Im thinking and she will just take it, and think about it. Actually think about what I say. It's cool. I love Tiff. Hehe. ^_^ Best friend. And cousin Jill. She doesn't tend to get mad when you make suggestions to her, I admire them about that, GOOD JOB GUYS! (lol) So....
Colin says to me today he says "Arent you mad at Theo because hes practicing wicca again?" and I didnt even know this, so I said no....and then I asked Theo about it and he said he wasnt, that he was a bit ago, but not really anymore. Saddens me, but Im just going to put it with God now, I dont think theres much more I can do for Colin or Theo.
Well, Ive been keeping up on my bible reading each night, which is definately good.
Oh, that reminds me...(Oh, reminding myself of that made me remember something else!!!) I met this kid, Jesse, online, and hes a really strong Christian, as am I, and he knows like, all the christian bands and he knows about worship generation and all that good stuff. So, we became pretty good friends in a few days online. But uhh...lately we haven't been talking much. I get the impression he's mad at me, though I cant really pin point why. Dissapointing, I hope things work out.
Well, I stood by Peter at lunch today..held some thing for him for a second..that was about it. lol
Didnt talk to Paul...He came up to me in the hall and said Hi, but he didnt come to me at lunch, and I didnt see him, so we didnt talk.
Ummm. Yeah, the thing I remembered before, after reminding myself to remember, was that yesterday morning, I was walking into the cafeteria in the morning, and the hall monitors were talking, about how home is sweet and all that...and then I heard them say "All we need is Todo right?" Then they started calling out "Todo!" and stuff...then they laughed.....I wanted to cry so incredibly bad...Like, because at night, I'll have a dream about Tobi, and start calling out his name, then I'll wake up and call him, forgetting for a second hes gone..and it was just a huge reminder, smack in the face. :-(
Well, today in Biology we were debating Cloning and I got sooooo hyped up. You see, Mr. Anderson gave us a packet to fill out, giving us situations about reasons to get a clone, and then we debated our reasoning behind our answer. For example, one situation was "The president of a small country wishes to clone a group of people with characteristics he thinks would make them good soldiers -- large body stature, obedience, loyalty, great physical strength, keen eyesight, and excellent hearing. he plans to use his "army" to defend his country against outside invaders." and I said NO WAY! But someone actually voted yes!! How can you even say that? Thats like trying to make a superior race. Its sick! Reminded me of all the orcs in The Lord of the Rings, how they were so strong and junk and they made millions of them....Grr! People got me so mad. People who say their christians were voting yet for these stupid reasons..and I dont see how you can say that....because if God's will was to just have us clone eachother, what would be the point of reproduction?! And, branching off that...the thing wouldn't even be human! How can it be? Yes, it has the same genetic attributes as us, cant have a soul! Humans can NOT give something a soul, that is God! AHH! Made me so mad. Ignorance...
Anyway, Im done for now.

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