Thursday, August 07, 2003

Goodness. I am trying so hard to not snap right now. My head has been throbbing all day! Since like, 20 minutes after I woke up. Then the stupid dentist was so...not nice! So, my mouth hurts. And my throat is really sore. I feel like Im going to throw up. And to top it off, Crystal is getting on my nerves. I mean, I told her that Blagoyavitch (definately spelled wrong) -our govenor- made tongue splitting illegal, because I found it funny that someone would actually cut their tongue. Then, she starts acting like its a big deal, taking away free will...and that if someone wants to cut their tongue in half to look like a snake, so be it. IT WAS TO MAKE HER LAUGH!!! Geez.
And I havent written a poem in forever it feels like. I dont know what to write about. I feel like I've overdone this alone, like sucks, I wanna' die thing. And I wrote a few poems about God, but since I did, I havent gotten much of any feedback on my site. I dont know.
So, everything lately makes me want to cry. Some of it isnt even sad, I think my emotions are running very high right now, heh.
I want to shut down like all my sites because it seems like nobody goes to them. But, I love making my sites...I think the fact that nobody goes to my site doesnt make me want to update as much as possible anymore. Is there even a point?
I made a new site. It have my fan fiction on it.

A Fans Fiction -my site-
And even though I know that nobody is going there, I like to have a place to put my stories, and marvel in my work! LEAVE ME ALONE! -skitso me-

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