Saturday, December 13, 2003

Forgive or forget?
So, today was odd...kinda'...First snow of the year. A bit depressing. On the way home from youth group, in Dorinnes car, I didnt talk..I just kinda stared out the window...looking at snow and thinking about Tobi...and then I started thinking about the way he layed on my legs on the couch...and how he sat on his butt with his front paws in the air....or when he rubbed his ears against our arms to make us pet him..and in a storm at bed he'd scratch us or rub his nose against us hard..or just pull our blanket to wake us up and comfort him...I miss him so much... ::tear:: Anyway, nobody really noticed that I didnt, its okay. As for Erik H..well, things werent awkward...thank God.
Anyway..tonight at common ground (in youth group) we talked about forgetting our past...and if were supposed to..and all this stuff...well, alot of the time I was thinking about Theo, and its really got me upset..because I know in the bible it tells us to forgive matter how many times they do it..just forgive them...and I am..because Theo is mad at me...and to me its not even true..but I guess to him he felt like I ditched him at Slam Jam that time...and thats why I apologized...and I did like..3 or 4 times..and he just wont accept it..he keeps throwing it in my face that I "ditched him" and then after I apologized..he writes me a note and says its my fault hes not christian and that I think the whole world revolves around me and that Im a liar and stuff..and I just cant believe that people are seriously that ignorant..Its just gotten me down, because I try as hard as I can to make ammends, and I just keep getting turned down..I hate it when people hate me...blah...

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