Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Dan called me today...
::long sigh:: Someone signed my guestbook at today. They said, " I'm sorry but your website seems seem like a Christian but you have poems like lying in your arms..which is just plain masacistic...and links to sites about satanic shows...i'm not trying to judge you or look down on you but those unsaved souls who see your site can easily get the wrong ideas about Christains.. In His Love" Soo..I think it was Dan. I cant know for sure, but he called me today and asked for the URL to my site. I gave it to him...and now Im online, and that was signed in my guestbook from "Hardcore Christian" which sounds like Dan. I cant believe this happened..It's like he read the first poem on the site and made an opinion. He does not know what Ive been through, and he does not know the reasons I write certain poems. Whatever, just writing to say Im really...really upset.

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