Thursday, August 26, 2004


Well, I started school on the 25th. The first day was..well, a bit weird for me. I wasn't really nervous, that wasn't it. But I spent all summer with my cousins and the people at my church and now Im just thrown into school with all these people who dont know the Lord. I thought I was ready, and I still think It'll be fine but it was all still a bit overwhelming. Like, seeing all the people from last year that I forgot about over the summer and really realizing how intimidating it would be if the whole class started mocking me about the Lord. When Im at home, like now, I feel like I could handle it fine, but when Im sitting in class it really a completely different atmosphere. I know the tone will soften as weeks go by and I get more comfortable with the new people though. Anyway, Photography 1 in first block was cool so far. The 2007 (sophomores. ME) have been having problems getting situated in the BRAND new computer for the photo lab. They are so nice, so fast, and completely BRAND new. Were the first to use them which is pretty cool. Hopefully they'll get all the glitches out of the system so we can really get working. Tomorrow were supposed to have our first photoshoot. Hope I dont get camera shy. Hehe. My 2nd class, Art/ Drawing was okay. I sit by this very outgoing, loud girl named Nicole. Shes really nice though. We were talking a bit, getting to know eachother by her request, ^_^ , and I mentioned that I had gone to NYC with my youth group this past summer. Nicole told me she was in a youth group with her church (starts with Calvary I think but she didnt exactly tell me the name of her church). Her church just finished redecorating and she said the youth area rocks. That sounds really cool, I cant wait until our youth room gets decorated. It will rock even more! Woop woop. lol. She also said she went on a mission trip somewhere in illinois, but couldnt remember where. ::shrug:: Its cool though. I mean, she swears a lot but..maybe she just doesnt know why its wrong? I dont know but shes nice. Lunch, well, I got attacked by a group of people I knew last year. Well, I actually only knew 3 of the 4, but the fourth Id seen around. Anyway, then 4 of my other friends came and sat with me as two of the girls got up, so we ran out of room at the table and me and Tiff left. Peter said hi to me. Juana. Tiff. Mel. Jared. Kim B. Greg. Alyssa. Vicki. Saloni. Jimmy. Sara. ::shrug:: Lots more hellos but I cant remember. Lol. It was cool though. Um, 3rd block.. DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Special Study Hall in room 56. Eek, it was so boring the first day, even when he gave us a chance to talk. Today was a bit more interesting. I finished my bible study and finished Isaiah FINALLY. Then this girl came in an hour late, her cell went off and she denied it (er. I guess it was hers, dont really know for sure) and then she walked out of the room after being told she couldnt and went to the bathroom. Yeeh, it was interesting though, to listen to while staring down at my bible trying not to...listen in? Hah, even though the whole class heard, oh well. Fourth block geometry.. My teacher talks to us like babies. But shes really nice, and so far the class is really easy. Ah well, the days go by long but things are going fine. Im really crabby at home though, dont know why. Haha. Dad is trying to get a job at.. uhhh. OH, Bungalo Joes..the bar. He'd work..Saturday, Sunday mornings.. SUNDAY MORNINGS. Missing church. Dude, and Crystal supports it. Gr, whatever. Jesses keeps calling at like.. 2am but I just hang up the phone.. Its like, dude.. its 2am! Dont call. Oh well, I could care less at this point.. he only calls when he has something to brag about or some sin he has to get off his chest. Umm .OH OH! Me and Crystal have a new administrator this year. Last year ours was really mean and..just.. rude. But now there is this lady and shes so nice. When I was walking up to the school she saw my hoodie and was lik "oh my gosh, I love that!" So we talked to her today on the way in and she said she is a christian, so things seem to be really good with that. I have to find out about H20 (name will be changed when I get to it) club for christians. I want to build it up.. Pray about it please.. I have a strong desire about this, I may write more about it later but, until something starts happening.. Just pray for the Lord to open the doors in school. I am for all you guys, Erik, Eric, Ryan, Dan, Julia, Julia.. (yes, college too.. ^_^ ) So, anyway. Talked to mom.. gonna' go home with her tuesday, maybe see a movie. Im going for.. Baby Geniuses 2 or Princess Diaries 2. We'll see what were all in the mood for. Anyway, I have to go finish reading "Star Girl" and look over my math homework. God bless.

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