Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Fools Paradise

The world is a fool’s paradise. Nothing is what it seems, just a fraud worth living for, a game worth playing to reach the end, or a movie worth watching for the ending credits. The world is a whore easily bought out for a cheap sin. It is Hells Alley. Satan’s playground. And Sin city.

It is a story only told on dark nights to children looking for an easy scare. There is no climax, just an ending to a long awaited theme that never arises. In worldly terms, there is no true happy ending to the story. Just lives worth talking about on dark nights.

For the world, life is meaningless – especially to those who think the world is all there is, who make the world into a hidden treasure that they think they stumbled onto in a field in a momentary strike of luck, or who believe there is no evil existing. For the world, life is a nightmare and everyone is just waiting to wake up – hopefully to a place called Paradise.

Paradise is a place that some can only dream of though, and most assuredly not wake up to. It is the epitome of what is right in the world and what is perfect outside of the world. Paradise is a place of bliss, felicity, and joy - all qualities lacking here on earth. It is a place worth dreaming about, because its definition is a place worth striving to get to. Heaven. It is a beautiful, spiritual, everlasting communion between the blessed dead and God.

One question remains in my head though. Why, if earth is so utterly lacking in even fractions of joy and perfection, would people choose to ignore the Paradise existing all around us to dance with demons in a sinful lust? Furthermore, if people can manage to find joy living on earth, in its grotesque manner of war and hate, why deprive their souls and hearts any longer to the hope and knowledge of there existing a real Paradise just over the horizon of our perception?

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