Tuesday, March 01, 2005

As one door shuts, another opens: Goodbye February, Hello March

Yo, so February was totally rawkin but thank God it's over! ^_^ I would definitely say the highlights include Tiffany and Kami coming to Roots and my going to Kami's youth group. Plus the Deeper Study has been really awesome so far (I like the idea that Im not the only one who prints out bible books and highlights; even more so that it's encouraged.) Also, Froot Loops was so great this week. I prayed about our topic for about a month or two and God totally answered by having us do that study, or talk about it atleast. Something interesting I realized was: in FrootLoops we talked about James 3:1-12,18 and in Romans 1:28-31 it is very similar. Very cool. Um, this month a hundred people joined MySpace.com so Im not all alone on there anymore! Anyone who reads this should totally join because we rock over at myspace and its the new THEING (heidi.. lol) Its supposed to be another journaling site but its just where we socialize. Our principle at school joined (though some suspect its a fake) WELLLL!

We've got Czech for the Church this summer. Chicago for half of Roots and Franklin Park for the other half of Roots. Texas at the end of the summer for Roots. And Romania next summer for Roots.

Ive got Roots, Deeper, Rock, Froot Loops, Highlighting Romans, and Weekly James. ::bends arm, pulls back, fist clenched, utters "yes.." under breath:: If you cant figure out that motion, think hard.. Try it.. You'll get it, and if not, I gotta work on my descriptioins.

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