Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hostage Situation
My update for now is merely that I am currently living at home - my mom said that I have to go to Calvary Chapel every week until I leave for school and then shell cosign my loan and allow me to live at home. Mostly I have been hanging out with Kami & occassionally Travis because things at home with my ma are so heated. Umm, right now I am with Kami and Travis is coming over so maybe we can do something tonight but I dont know. Apparantly I cant go home tonight because theres a gun situation at my house and it would be nearly impossible to get into the apartment. So in summary I feel like Im a hostage where I live and theres a hostage situation (or something) occurring there now. Kind of ironic I guess. Im excited for student orientation which is a week from today and then Cornerstone which is just under two weeks from today. Ummm. For more updates go to my poetry blog because thats basically all I do now... write poems or think about what to write in a poem. haha. http://acidictear.blogspot.com

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